Because we want to help you quickly and properly, we have listed the most frequently asked questions. Click on a question and you will immediately see the answer. The answers to these questions will help you further. Is your question not listed? Visit a store nearby or contact us.
How do I apply CanDo green Decowall Acoustic around a wall socket?
The simplest solution is to cut the shape of the socket out of the panel. For a nicer solution, remove the socket, then apply CanDo green Decowall Acoustic and then replace the socket.
Is the CanDo green Decowall Acoustic wood certified?
All CanDo green Decowall Acoustic wood is PEFC certified, which stands for sustainable forest management.
Can CanDo green Decowall Acoustic also be used outdoors?
CanDo green Decowall Acoustic is not suitable for outdoor use.
Is CanDo green Decowall Acoustic subject to discolouration?
CanDo green Decowall Acoustic may discolour over time under the influence of (UV) light.
Can I apply CanDo green Decowall Acoustic immediately after purchase?
CanDo green Decowall Acoustic should acclimatise for at least 48 hours, preferably up to 1 week out of its packaging, in the room where it is to be installed.
Can CanDo green Decowall Acoustic still shrink or expand after installation?
CanDo green Decowall Acoustic is made of MDF (wood fibres) and therefore absorbs the humidity of the room, which allows for movement. It is therefore important to allow the boards to acclimatise before installation and to keep the humidity in the room stable.
Are deviations in the width of CanDo green Decowall Acoustic panels possible?
In the production of CanDo green Decowall Acoustic, we strive for a dimensionally stable panel, so that installation is easy. However, because it is a natural product, a deviation of 0.5 mm in the width and length of the panel is possible.
Can I use CanDo green Decowall Acoustic in damp rooms and kitchen?
Due to the large fluctuations in moisture percentage, CanDo green Decowall Acoustic is not suitable for use in damp rooms or near a tap. Furthermore, CanDo green Decowall Acoustic is not suitable for installation near a gas cooker due to the risk of fire and released heat.